PC chemistry students are working on a beverage density lab today!
Congratulations to Tanya Rothert and Renae Waldbeser on being the PCHS September staff recipients of the Golden Huey!
Parents/Guardians of K-6th grade students: Please use the following link to fill out a form for next trimester for your K-6th grade children. The form will allow you to choose remote or in-person learning. It is important to our planning process to hear from all of you, even if you do not plan on changing your child's mode of instruction. Please fill it out by Friday, October 2nd. It only takes one minute!! https://forms.gle/DJTARdC4ukDWGSxF8
Congrats to the Jr. High softball team on a great season! Even though we didn’t beat Morris in the regional championship, we sure gave them a run for their money!!! Shout out to Sam Slagel. She had an inside-the-park home run in the bottom of the 4th!!! Way to go Sam!
Meet Elizabeth and her paint horse, Roxy. Mr. Rothert’s AG/IT class presents a share the wealth project each week. Elizabeth is educating the class about the equine world.
It’s a beautiful day for band rehearsal outside!
John insists a person could climb the stairs from the bottom to the top of his tower. What do you think? #mcescher #STEAM
Mr Grant’s class is discussing the Amendments today. Quiz time...who was the first president to break the two term tradition set in place by George Washington? !#FDR
ATTENTION HAWKS: We need your help with this ASAP!!!
Please click on the following link to let us know your plans for next quarter. We need one form completed for EVERY student grades 7-12, whether or not there is a change in the choice of instruction (in-person or remote). The form must be completed by Friday, September 25th. THANK YOU! https://forms.gle/JZaSeNuk55HN5N8B7
HAWKS WIN!!! Jr. High softball victory over Ottawa! 10-0 in 5 innings! Come out and cheer us on as we play in the regional championship this Saturday, September 26th. Game time. 11am.
Here at the UE we are doing big things to help change the world. We strongly believe that if we have a better world, we will be better for it! So we are pressing forward by partnering with USagain!
Do you have clothing, fabrics, shoes or other textiles that no longer “spark joy?” Please bring them to the UE and donate them! We have a Tree Machine (donation box) conveniently located at the Upper Elementary. For every Tree Machine that is filled our school will receive monetary funds that will be dedicated to the UE students.
PCHS Hawks are just as focused and hardworking in the lab and the classroom as they are in athletics! Let's go Hawks!!
Primary East made self portraits during our weekly SEL trait on safety and why we wear masks.
Congratulations to the PC boys golf team on winning the 2020 Illini Prairie Conference Championship!!
Who has the strongest tasting lemonade? Sixth grade students learned about ratios today. They rated three different lemonade recipes. Everyone enjoys a lemonade stand!
Congrats to the Jr. High baseball team on a great season!
Good luck to the PC boys golf team today as they compete in the Illini Prairie Conference golf tournament at the U of I golf course!
Reminder: All school meals are free to all children ages 18 and under at this time! In-person learners can take a meal "to go", an remote learners and community members can pick up free meals daily. Remote learners and community members can sign up at: https://forms.gle/4iAV2KCSiBcjmFH3A
Junior High and High School parents, please fill out the survey for your child's second quarter learning preference if you have not already done so. We need data for ALL students to help us plan!! Use the following link: https://forms.gle/6wqDsHfJodurDoKE7
PCHS National Honor Society is offering tutoring via Zoom every day during activity period. Students should check with their AP teacher or contact Mrs. Getchius, rgetchius@prairiecentral.org, if interested in signing up!